Personal Protection For You

Techniques to Escape a Head Lock

Martial Arts Self Defense Training Can Get You in Better Shape

Exercise is the way to get into and stay in shape. Martial arts training is one of the best ways to get the exercise needed. As an added benefit it provides a way for one to learn to defend themselves in a self-defense situation. In this article we will show three ways martial arts self-defense training will get one into better shape.

Humans need exercise, both physically and mentally to enjoy a better life. Strength, flexibility and stamina are vital as we age to continue to enjoy the things we do. Weakness, soreness and stiffness are the enemies of personal enjoyment. Martial arts self-defense training is an excellent way to get into and stay in shape at any age.

Just taking the time to do any type of strength training will begin to get the body into better shape. Martial arts training requires and teaches several types of strength training. Simple push-ups and sit-ups, done correctly, are beginning exercise routines. Very little time is required each day to begin an exercise routine.Stretching the muscles creates the flexibility needed to avoid injuries. Stretching before and after workouts and martial arts training is paramount.

Women’s Self-Defense with Jiu-Jitsu

Jiu-Jitsu training is a great martial art to learn for self-defense purposes.  Jiu-Jistu helps you learn how to defend yourself against bigger & stronger opponents and even teaches you how to defend yourself when you’re fighting from the ground.  Here are a few jiu-jitsu techniques:


Martial Arts Self-Defense Techniques – 4 Self Defense Techniques You May Not Learn In The Dojo

Martial arts self-defense training with a qualified instructor is an excellent way to learn the basics of personal protection. Nevertheless, most instructors have never been in a street fight. And good for them. No one should have to be put in a real life situation to defend yourself. In this article I will detail 4 street defense techniques that may not be taught in the dojo.

Self Defense Tactic 1 – Ripping And Tearing

Ripping and tearing of the flesh, hair, ears, etc. are self-defense techniques that are not normally associated with martial arts training. And for good reason. Ripping the ear off an opponent in a training class or at a tournament would probably bring criminal charges and possibly jail time. But on the streets you need to know how to fight to survive.

Self Defense Tactic 2 – Pinching

Pinching is a useful women’s self-defense technique. Many women have fingernails, either real or applied that can cause pain when pinching. Rips and tears can also be done with strong fingernails on exposed flesh. Pinching is usually effective if your arms are pinned. There are many pressure points, or nerves, that are vulnerable body parts. Attacking the inner part of the thigh and under the armpit are two such areas.

Self Defense Tactic 3 – Biting

We are taught from birth not to bite others. Why? Because the jaw muscles are one of the strongest set of muscles we posses. And the teeth are extremely hard and sharp. Biting is a defense technique that is rarely taught. When there is no other self-defense tactic that can be applied biting is extremely effective and can create immense pain.

Self Defense Tactic 4 – Head Butts

Head butts are another self-defense technique that are rarely taught. Head butts are banned in boxing and MMA matches. The reason again is that a head butt can inflict some serious damage to the opponent. In addition, the one instigating this self-defense technique could be seriously injured if their head hits the opponent’s head in the wrong way.

Most traditional martial arts classes do not train you for real life encounters. Learn to avoid getting yourself into a bad situation. But if you find yourself face to face with serious injury or death, you will have mastered the skills to survive by following these simple systems.Do you want to learn more about protecting yourself in a real-life self defense scenario? Go to and download  free Intelligent Guide For Self Defense.

Martial Arts: 5 Reasons Why Your Martial Arts/Self Defense Training Will Fail You on the Street

Every year thousands of people sign up for martial arts classes and self-defense seminars. They have the expectation of becoming the next Bruce Lee or at least being able to hold their own, only to have their hopes dashed by reality later. First, lets take a look at the difference between learning a martial art and learning self-defense. Learning an actual art takes years of training and practice. In a time not so long ago, the martial arts were oftentimes the only means one had of defending him/herself. Proper training in an art then and now should follow the formula of basic philosophy, conditioning/techniques, forms and applications. Next comes intermediate concepts, conditioning/techniques, forms and applications.

5 Reasons why your martial arts/self defense training will fail you on the street.

1) Lack of basic physical fitness– In an actual physical altercation against someone with every intention of doing you harm, you will expend a lot of energy fast, trust me here. You may be able to knock out everyone you meet until you meet that one individual that makes you go the distance. Train for endurance, the longer you can move and generate power the better your chances.

2) Improper physical conditioning– This is another main ingredient often missing in most people’s training. There is undeniably a difference between a punch from a well conditioned fist and one that is not. If your fists cannot at the very least handle push-ups on concrete, they will not serve you well for effective punching. Also, if you’ve never been hit for real it could shut you down instantly.

3) Improper mental conditioning or mindset– An imbalance of confidence will not serve you well. Over confidence or lack of confidence can get you hurt or worse. If you must commit yourself, do so fully and without hesitation. Often times, people are taught to do just enough to get away. Courses designed for women are notorious for this mentality. What happens if that is not a option? Learn to fight to the finish if you have to.

4) Improper spiritual conditioning– All arts have a spiritual element or philosophy. Exercise and balance your “chi” regularly through meditation. Always, remain a student no matter what color belt or sash you wear. Be willing to learn from every experience you have. See life and the Universe as one big school.

5) Lack of training on “real life” surfaces- If you’ve only trained on the level floors and mats of your dojo, dojang or kwoon, you will be in for a surprise. Do some training outside on some not so forgiving surfaces while wearing your street clothes and shoes. You will quickly find out what does and does not work on uneven ground, wet leaves, loose gravel, wet grass or wet pavement.

Hopefully, no matter what style or system you practice currently or are considering this has given you a few points to ponder. Take time to evaluate your fitness level, your techniques and your mindset. With a little effort you will easily see where the beautiful brutality was left out of your art.

Personal Protection For You

Techniques to Escape a Head Lock